In the future, everyone will be classified in
5 different factions. These factions are Dauntless (the fearless), Erudite (the
intellectual), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), and Abnegation (the
Divergent is the name for those who do not
belong to any of those categories caused by the prominent characters they have;
instead of having one special character, they have two or even more.

A lady named Tori who’s doing the test on
Tris told her to conceal the secret about her being a divergent. Because, apart
from being in different group, the divergents were assumed to be very harmful
and have a tendency to harm other factions.
For these reasons, Tris strived to be
accepted in Dauntless, the faction that she really admired. She tried to be
sincere in bravery tests that could bring danger to her.
Surprisingly, one of her instructors, Four,
was also a divergent. Tris and Four then tried to stay alive during the time
the government was trying to eliminate divergents. By enforcing the justice
from Erudite (which was lead by the genius and dangerous Jeanine Matthews),
Jeanine tried to make Erudite the biggest faction. Moreover, Tris’ brother
(Caleb) was accepted in Erudite.
Being a huge science fiction lover, I love
this movie so much. I find this movie really fun and catchy. The story is a
good combination of adventure, science, and a little bit of romance.
I have read the novel. I’ve seen that there
are a few differences on the novel version and the movie version. I personally
think that the book is so much better, but I don’t think that the movie is
awful. I understand that the book is really long, I even needed a few days to
finish it. Therefore, I know that it would be impossible to take everything
from the book. But all in all, I think I enjoy the movie so much, so much that
I just can’t take it out of my mind.
But anyway, let’s discuss about the casts. I
personally think that Shailene Woodley played her role as Tris really well.
Tris is described as someone simple, unadorned, but somehow brave and strong.
Tris is also my favorite character in this movie. But Theo James did good as
well at playing his role as Four.
I feel like I enjoy the movie so much. That’s
personally why I chose to review this movie. I feel like the movie was actually
worth the hype (it became so popular once it was released) and I guess a lot of
people also love the movie the way I do.
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